5th Grade Summer Reading

Mrs. Archer’s Recommended 2011 Summer Reading
5th Grade
(This list is a combination of books that fall under incoming and outgoing  5th Grade Reading Levels and Interests.)

Balliett, Blue                Chasing Vermeer

Blume, Judy                Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing     

Buckley, Michael         The Sisters Grimm series                  

Clements, Andrew       Lost and Found
                                    No Talking

Collins, Suzanne          The Gregor the Overlander series

Conner, Leslie             Crunch
Draper, Sharon                        Out of My Mind

Frazier, Sundee T.        The Other Half of My Heart

Funke, Cornelia                       The Inkheart series

Garcia, Rita Williams   One Crazy Summer

Haddix, Margaret Peterson       The Shadow Children series.

Hill, Kirkpatrick           The Year of Miss Agnes

Lord, Cynthia              Touch Blue

Mull, Brandon             Fablehaven series

Nimmo, Jenny             Any book in the Charlie Bone series

Riordan, Rick              The Percy Jackson and the Olympian series
                                    The Kane Chronicles Series

Sanderson, Brandon    Alcatraz Versus The Evil Librarians series

Shulman, Polly                        The Grimm Legacy

Springer, Nancy           Enola Holmes series

West, Jacqueline          The Shadows: Elsewhere

5th Graders may also want to read titles from the 5th Grade Battle of the Books list.  This list can be found at http://sites.google.com/site/pprbob20102011/Resources