4th Grade Summer Reading

Mrs. Archer’s Recommended 2011 Summer Reading
4th  Grade
(This list is a combination of books that fall under incoming and outgoing 4th Grade Reading Levels and Grade Interests.)

Baillett, Blue                Chasing Vermeer

Blume, Judy                Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing                             

Cleary, Beverly                        Dr. Mr. Henshaw

Clements, Andrew       Lost and Found
                                    No Talking
                                    Extra Credit
Gaiman, Neil               The Graveyard Book

Haddix, Margaret Peterson       The Shadow Children series.

Hiasson, Carl               Hoot

Lowry, Lois                 Bless This Mouse
                                    Number The Stars

Nimmo, Jenny             Any book in the Charlie Bone series

Riordan, Rick              The Percy Jackson and the Olympian series
                                    The Kane Chronicles series

Sachar, Louis               Holes

Spinelli, Jerry               4th Grade Rats

Various Authors:         The 39 Clues series

4th Graders may also want to read titles from the 5th Grade Battle of the Books list.  This list can be found at http://sites.google.com/site/pprbob20102011/Resources

Poetry : 4th Grade is a great time to start exploring poetry.
                                    Anything by Jack Prelustky, Shel Silverstein, or Douglas Florian